Mind Games: Keeping Your Brain Healthy

August 3, 2013

Did you know that your brainpower begins to decline as early as 25 years old?  It’s true.

Unless you are constantly learning, creating new synapses (connections) in your brain or pathways, you will begin to slowly lose the ability to process information, memory related tasks such as where you placed your keys?  what day is it? what’s my name?(just kidding).

Many factors contribute to this decline in addition to normal aging including stress, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

The good news is it’s reversible.  Starting today you can boost your brainpower by:

    1. Training. Get an app on your iphone, ipad, or computer.  Fit Brain and Lumosity are
      two of many that are available to experiment with free of charge, but if you want to continue (and you should) there is a small fee (pay $25 per year or $2 per month, for example).  You are challenged in areas of concentration, memory, visual, speed, problem solving, etc.
    2. Exercise.  It has been proven that exercising increases blood flow to the brain encouraging new brain cell growth.
    3. Nutrition.  Omega 3’s (salmon, tuna, halibut, mackerel), dark skinned fruits and veggies. Nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts) contain antioxidants and have been proven to protect brain cells.
    4. Staying mentally active strengthens brain cells and connections between them, and may even create new neurons.
    5. Happiness and laughter…being socially active reduces stress and maintains healthy connections among brain cells.
    6. Vitamins E, C, and B12 may be important in lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s. (check out alz.org) for more information.

We are living longer because of better healthcare and we are not always healthier.  We are inundated with information about staying fit, preserving our youthfulness and nutritional advice.  But do we really listen?  Are we just too lazy?

Recently I’ve been spending time in a nursing home/rehab visiting my Dad.  It’s amazing how differently people age.  Motivation is key to everything.  I was observing how some patients are so determined to get better.  Great attitudes make a difference in the outcome of your life.

There was one patient who was 107 years old.  I realize that 1 out of 3 children born today will live to 100.  But, this 107 year old has really defied the odds in his lifetime.

When I was 20 years old I was listening to a comedian say “If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.”   Funny, but true for many people.  I decided then and there I was going to live to 100 and was going to take very good care of myself.  I’ve had a few lapses, but overall kept to my plan of making exercising a priority, eliminating certain foods from my diet, taking classes at adult education centers and exposing myself to new experiences, and equally as important…laughing a lot.

You might wonder what this has to do with over 50 dating?  Well… you just might meet someone while you are exercising or learning a new activity who shares your new philosophy on healthy lifestyles.

What is your plan for your future health?  Have you been taking steps to improve the quality of your life?  Do you have any tips for maintaining a healthy brain?

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Nancy August 4, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Happiness and laughter work best for me! Love the post. Thanks!


dacampa August 4, 2013 at 9:56 pm

I agree…anything that relieves stress. Thanks for commenting!


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