Welcome To My Dating World!

April 1, 2013

I was lying in bed the other night trying to think of how I might convey how I really feel about the dating scene…what I might be able to compare it to so that women would get an understanding of what it is really like out there.  Although I have been known to exaggerate just to get a point across, the stories I will tell you cannot be invented they are so ridiculous. 

The dating world has totally changed over the past 20 years.  What happens out there is almost unbelievable.

All of a sudden Rod Serling’s voice came to mind. He acted in a tv series from long ago.  Each episode began with him saying…. “You unlock this door with the key of imagination”… “Beyond it is another dimension”…and ended with… “You have just entered The Twilight Zone.” 

It has been described as “a collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but often have a wicked sense of humor and an unexpected twist.”   

I thought…that’s it…. venturing out into the dating scene is so similar to entering the Twilight Zone.  I mean, have you ever been in a situation where you have been thinking “Did he really say that?”  “Impossible!”  Or as my friend would say, “You need to check yourself into emergency!”  

A “wicked sense of humor” is indeed essential to survival.

My blog will revolve around sharing my experiences with you (along with experiences of other over-50 daters) and whatever bits of wisdom I have gained.  

Thanks for joining me on my journey.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Diane J. April 13, 2013 at 12:47 am

I love the stories. I find them informative and entertaining. Keep them coming.


Mary Anne April 13, 2013 at 2:05 am

Thank God it was a version of the Twilight Zone and not anything from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho – we all have met a few of them. Love the Blog and your sense or humor. Keep writing Dee – you have the gift and can’t wait to hear the next story.


Nancy J April 24, 2013 at 6:58 pm

Today my husband and I celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary so thankfully I am not in the dating scene. However I love your humorous perspective and a glimpse into what my single friends are faced with out there. I love your blog – keep the posts coming!


dacampa April 24, 2013 at 11:26 pm

Well Happy 31st Anniversary!!! It’s couples such as you who set the bar for the rest of us. We know there is a special person for each and every one of us. Just as a company finds the right employee to fit its company, we will find the right person to fit in our life. It takes time and a lot of attention to the details.


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