Flirting 102?

June 4, 2013

I was talking to some of my close friends about my flirting blog.  It was interesting how differently they responded.  Bill had a difficult time believing that it took a class on flirting to give me the courage to walk up to a total stranger.  Susan said she was terrible at flirting.. was not comfortable at all. But, was proud that I could.

My friend, Joelle, suggested that I adjust the style of my writing. To write as if I were having a conversation with a friend.  And, finally, Mike said he loved the blog and thought my initial comment to the handsome gentleman was great, not a come-on at all.  He wanted me to write about what happened after the introductions. He knew I wasn’t telling the whole story.  I value all of their comments.

So, continuing on from my blog “Learning How To Flirt….Priceless!!”

……I had asked the handsome man at the bar how often he wore a suit.  He told me about once a month.  I told him that I thought he should wear one all the time…  And, then I said, “Well, thanks, that’s all I wanted to know, as I smiled and turned to leave.”  He said “Wait a minute, don’t leave”… and began flirting with me. (He had a tie and he thought it would look better on me as he placed it around my neck.)

It’s funny how I hadn’t really planned on what to do if someone started flirting back with me.  Initiating the flirt was what I had learned.  Receiving a flirt was a totally different ballgame.  I really wanted to get back to my friends.

He told me that he was best friends with his ex-wife.  It sounded so stupid to me.  My ex is an ok guy, but I don’t want him as my best friend.

He was staying at the Radisson around the corner.  It was clear he wanted some company.  I told him that’s not what I’m about. (STDs are not my best friend!)

He emailed me the next morning to say he thought of me as he was putting on his Armani suit and Hermes tie.  I emailed back, “I guess you went over your quota for the month.”  “Prepare yourself for all the women you’ll be attracting.”

I was told that this was not an encouraging response (by Dr. Judith Swack) when I had later told her about my foray into flirting.  The correct response would be something like, “Well, I would love to see that on you.”  Or, as my male friend suggested, “When is the next viewing taking place?”  We hadn’t learned that in the beginning flirting class.

The most important thing I learned from this experience was that it is so much fun meeting new people.  Don’t ever be afraid to be the first one to speak.

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dacampa July 4, 2013 at 9:28 am

I share this info to help others in their relationships by presenting another honest point of view. So happy you enjoy my site.
Thanks for your comment.
Dee Acampa


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